I'll give you Downward Dog but I didn't like Imaginary Mary
I'll give you Downward Dog but I didn't like Imaginary Mary
Never a bad time to give Channel Orange a spin
I both want and do not want that
I'm honestly kinda bummed they dropped the whole college plot as quickly as they did
You need to have a special shout out to Titus Lemonaiding
With a surprise tie in with 13 Reasons why to boot
You know Jessica isn't good with Tituses! why would you leave one with her?
I'm sure the Beastie Boys will get inducted
Those here's an article that we didn't write but you should go read anyway articles are some of the laziest writing I've ever seen
Yeah it's almost as if the staff don't want us here or something
Oooh a magic farm! Will all my friends be there?
Or a decent candidate to run for president
Hey Ya that is a good idea
Wait what's happening next Tuesday, at 2:17 pm?
Pay me what you owe me!
Because of Course he is
"We sampled it from them but it's not the same bassline. It goes 'ding ding ding di di ding ding… ding ding ding di di ding ding.' That's the way theirs goes. Ours goes 'ding ding ding di di ding ding… DING… ding ding ding di di ding ding.' That little bitty change — it's not the same."
-Vanilla Ice on Ice Ice Baby vs.…
Aw man that place looks so cool. If it opens I'll be adding to my list of places to see before I die
You can't make me read that
Was it ever valid?