
She advocated violence before that tweet

Exactly. If the Alt-right could've been defeated with words alone they would've been eliminated a while ago.

If she wouldn't say violent things she wouldn't be countered with violence so yes

And a darned good one

Wow that's embarrassing

Violence is really good at stopping violence though

Hey that's an insult to Rancid Ooze

I'm sure her words have incited enough people to act on their behalf


I mean can you really trust the police these days?

I think someone had dildos thrown at them once. I think that'd be hilarious if it happened to Count Coulter

Are they getting paid to show up? Cause if they are they need to give that money back

I'm sorry I'm having trouble understanding your comment. Could you please help me understand it a little better?

No they show up to stop someone from living

Her words and thoughts are just as violent

The Republicans never break house rules

Ok I wish all the racist americans would go away first

I'm gonna say no. Considering Berkeley is a private institution and all

Witches hate her! Find out why with this one weird trick.

I wish America had hate speech laws