
Except Trump is clearly harming people and Conservatives are just mad people don't want to hear their hate speech out in public

Because Wingdings is the font of the gods

She'll find some other way to play the victim

I hate to break it to you but people here have already said that

Why do you read Sullivan in the first place?

Their persecution complex would be impressive if it wasn't sad

Then she'll still complain that nobody is interested in what she has to say. At least this way the students aren't even giving her a platform to speak

Why do conservative speakers keep trying to go to Berkeley? Clearly no one wants them there.

They'll only do the Emoji movie if they can get a highly respected actor to voice the shittiest character

Oh Bother

Just the division that is in charge of in house live action movies. They're in the middle of a creative renaissance on the animation front and I'm loving what they are doing with Star Wars and Marvel

Huh Slick?

"When a Man does it it's not a crime!"
-MRAs Probably

How far away is Neegan?

Don't remind me

Good republicans? HA!

They were necessary and very relevant potshots thank you

I don't think embracing social conservatism will help. Especially for people who are under the LGBTQ+ umbrella

How's that massive divide between the highest earners and the lowest earners working out for you? Not to mention the incredible shrinking middle class.

I'm sure if some dark wizard came to these people and offered to fuse their bodies and souls to coal that they'd do it in a heartbeat