
What is it with these networks and their atrocious scheduling?

True Story: I bought a cousin a Star Wars action figure for his birthday and when he opened it I had to tell myself not to audibly wince in pain as he is only a kid and it is only a toy. Collecting does weird things to you emotionally sometimes

Betamax! Betamax!

I would definitely buy a wand that looks like Star's

Depends what the tattoo look like?

I wouldn't be a villain but I would not be following Superman's example of how Superheroes should act

Yeah but that shouldn't come at the expense of David's human rights

Exactly it is in the name afterall I mean they are Superior

So you're saying that if Mutants existed in real life the government would be in the right to oppress them?

Is O'Neals any good? I haven't been watching it

I know right? Both plots are ripe with joking potential

Which is why it should happen!

The character should've been killed for daring to attack David in the first place. But yeah he looked hella cool

I don't think Clark is all that reasonable though. I mean Melaine and Summerland are entitled to their freedom. Also yeah we've already seen David show some elements of darkness and it is only a matter of time before we find out if that was a part of Lenny's influence or if the elements are all his own

Which is why David would've been justified in dropping (a metaphorical) one on them

That too. Of course then they'd have an angry Shadow King to deal with

Even if those people do exist it wouldn't be right to round em up

Why can't Vulcans do high school wrestling? You are talking about Spock's race right?

Yes exactly! I mean they don't even have any legal reason to hold him

Does earth really need Homo Sapiens though when Homo Superior exists?