
What's the invisibles about?

Yeah but when has any government been ethical in the control of other people programs? Those tend to go rather badly.

Then they should just wait for the X-Men to get around to it.

If the division was smart they'd just leave him and his friends alone

So what? They're evil. I've seen and read enough X-Men to know that any idiot stupid enough to work for a group devoted to killing mutants deserve any pain that they get.

Why the Fuck should I care that the villain has a cute husband and a kid? He's still a monstrous douchebag who kidnapped and tortured David! I agree with Ptonomey just kill him and run off

I can't believe they pushed speechless back for this unfunny show


That's how stealthy it is!

Why did those two think that plan would work?

They did say that it wasn't called Belare

I see that we are in a joky mode

I'll try: His son's tweets are too delightfully wacky!

I don't know. I'm always glad to see him with a new hosting job

Hygiene for the employees fridges for the food and tiny American Flags for everyone else

Yeah but their new tortilla makes all the money back in rap album sales

I think the food hates themselves just as much as you do

I meant refrigeration and hygiene for their restaurants, but you have a good point

Lawyer up everyone it's gonna be a long and litigious night

They should've spent that money on better hygiene and refrigeration instead