
Probably yeah

Everything is political and Trump is politics right now

I'm not buying what your selling

Try again but with less Fox noise links

It is to late for me as I've already shared it to all my Friends

I do all those things to engage with politics so I guess different strokes

You mean a franchise that is full of political tales?

Said no one ever

Think about all the symmetrical shots of the Batcave! Also what role would Owen Wilson have in this Wes Anderson Batman?

I say we give it to Joel Schumacher he'd be perfect for a Batman movie

Heh "Hard"

Faster Batman! Kill! Kill!

Because shooting them did wonders during World War 2

If punching one Nazi won't solve the problem we'll just have to punch all of them

I would love to read about a dead Nazi

I kinda dig it! It fits my screen better

FreeForm is ABC Family

That's true I was going to say that number 2 is also a good movie but my comment was already pretty long

Or all those god damn Thin Man sequels. Seriously if anyone tries to say old movies are better than modern ones just show them all those movies

Well since having a penis doesn't actually make one a man I prefer #Oscarssomale