
Think of all the hip hop samples!

What did you do that got you banned?

Now you're just taunting us

My money is on Prison camps

It is clearly sarcasm

Don't take this out on Oscar he's really trying to up his diversity game this year

Monsters are the best weapon in the fight against monsters though

allthetropes? What about Tv Tropes?

It is an old copypasta

I think I laughed way to hard at that

I'm proud of you too

I'd rather bury the coffin then stop trolling trump

It looks more and more like Wonder Woman really is the last chance for these DC movies to be any good

I don't know he was soft! Sad!

Intersectionality is important though

How so?

Are you Gay for her?

My reply can have two things OF COCK

Saddest Upvote ever

This album needs to be in a Cyberpunk movie it fits that aesthetic so well