
I'm really digging it

If that happens Trump would show himself as the Fascist he is

This is wonderful! I hope more Twitter accounts go rogue like this

Will Godzilla show up for a sizable portion of the runtime of the movie or will I be disappointed again

Oh I know. I'm like you've got to give credit where credit is due and Seal Team 6 did the actual soldering

Close enough!

Just as soon as you get a small loan of One Million Dollars

Sad upvote

Or a comb

Well they were going to go that route but Kylo Ren went all Columbine on the place and now all the students are dead

Yeah that's LA though I'm sure that even if it wasn't allowed to take a side like that, that no one would call them out

I guess I don't see the point in giving a waste of life like Trump an equal shot

It's not anarchy it is one government group usurping the other

We need all hands on deck to defeat this new administration. Even supposedly neutral organizations need to get in the fray

Why would that be a problem? Trump could very well destroy every last agency. They should be allowed to fight back

Why should they remain unbiased? Trump is a literal Garbage Fire and should be reported on as such

Not to mention how he handled the AIDS outbreak

Facts should always be allowed even if they make someone look bad

You can always make more ammo

Well climate change denialism is an actual issue