
That defense was just some guy trying to claim it is ok for people to be assholes on the internet without the mods of whatever website they are on taking their voice away.

It doesn't matter if it is accurate or not. What does matter is that you mentioned autism in a derogatory manner. That is very disrespectful and rude to a lot of different people.

Why should the rights holders be the only ones to make a professional product though? Especially when the rights holders don't care about making star trek actually feel like star trek?

using Autism in a derogatory manner is a great way to present an argument

I think there is some legal backing that goes back to at least when Bozo the clown was starting to protect his image

There is a small chain in Northern Washington State called Bob's Burgers they are ok and nothing at all like the show

Reinforces it I'd say

I hope that Axanar wins the lawsuit and fan films can continue to be made.

I guess so

You forgot the part where Matthew is pounding on his chest rhythmically

I feel ya

Donald Trump also auditioned to join the Monkees?

No it must've been the other Nick Young. There is like an evil Spock version of me running around the place hijacking my online presence he has cool facial hair though so it's all good

Yes at least I perceive myself that way

Oh and we also look at cats

Hey aren't you that Horse from Horsin Around?

Someone still uses Failblog?

I'm so sorry but: Does the Burger stand cook with gas?

That is adorable! Your mom sounds delightful

I must've misunderstood (heh) your comment then. My apologies