

No they should be banned. The comments on the Guardian are a dumpster fire of hatred and harrasment

Wow jokes about a medical issue classy

No one overreacts to online harassment it is a horrible phenomena that has to be curbed

Or just ban everyone which works well for me

Fucking Nihilists man

I was never on Twitter so I'm way ahead of you on that one

I'd love to see Trump's reaction if Twitter shut his account down

There are some good pieces of art being made on occasion

You have no right to free speech on a public institutions website no matter how easy it is for the public to get an account

Are you ok or just a troll?

I taught my kid to count by asking her how many chambers there were

I'm a musical masochist so please and thank you with that mix tape

I would've totally been your friend in Middle school

If I had a kid who said that about Talking Heads I'd have a heart attack on the spot

To be fair any kid that enjoys Minions has shit taste even for kids

The Runners up in these sorts of things are usually better than the winner

It's worse then that! They're having a robot Bing it

Cause all the Americans turned the job down?

Because the 28 year old metrosexual in his head told him to?