
So a half upvote half downvote situation then?

Is there a Pulitzer for food writing? Cause that review is so money

Excuse me but Muppetology is a respected science

The feelings were hunger weren't they?

I buy the statement about the fascist interpretation of the Nolan Batman films. I think you are trolling with the part about Iron Man 3 though

Care to reason why?

Exactly! Art does not signify quality

Only mine and a lot of other people's

Yes it is all art. Creative people made it to be consumed and appreciated therefore it is art

I feel like you are trolling me with that statement

Ok so instead of no range it is wasted range

I just can't listen to any more Wagner, you know…I'm starting to get the urge to conquer Wakanda

Or a bunch of people go on a very long walk

I feel like you are unfairly writing off an entire genre not to mention an entire medium as weightless

Not until all of us has had enough bacon to last us a life time!

There are a lot more than two good superhero movies

In all honesty I don't see any problem with them taking another swing at a Howard The Duck adaptation

Kendrick Lamar for one

Yeah it is though

But I don't want to read about a regular life, I already have one of those. It is much more entertaining to witness an irregular life