
That tweet was fantastic and you know it!

What is art than if things like movies, books, games, plays, and albums are not?

I actually prefer Think pieces myself. If you can't engage with something intellectually than why watch/read/play/listen to it

I love think pieces and constantly seek them out

Although Trump won so clearly a lot of people think the same way trolls do

They like writing about it and I like reading it! What is so wrong with that?

I think those jokes are hilarious myself

I'd rather be petulant towards Trump than not

Because he was the chosen one!

Tarnished is just another word for Jake Lloyd

I say good. The DCEU has been a failure from the start! If Wonder Woman doesn't turn things around then I'll just skip any new DC movies until the reboot

Have you seen most of Marvel's fare?

Do you have a better word to use?

My family is continuing our new tradition of seeing the newest Star Wars film tonight so that'll be a great capstone to an otherwise shitty shitty year

Because that is slightly contradictory

You jest but I was that kid

You're at a comedy show the only noises you should make are laughter and applause unless you are specifically called upon by the performer

Comedy Show /= Rock Concert

I always laugh when some uppity person gets taken to task for interrupting so

My political beliefs got mocked at a Comedy show? What's up with that?