
I highly doubt that though

There are five lights after all

Yes the delegates have a choice in mind before the primaries start. But they always change to match their state because that is how primaries work

I'd vote for her

Yes. sometimes you have to vote for the person that you are opposed to

Not really. I mean they said it was her time but since she won most of the votes it kinda was her time

Most of them choose to remain uneducated

Hey broken protection leads to pregnancy

There are actually conservatives in Seattle?

I think we should keep chastising them at least until they feel completely beaten and agree to work with us


Well they are

People need to get over their effing obsession with ending abortions!

I'm not going to engage a racist because I don't have the energy to listen to their rhetoric

Well then screw the Rustbelt for being so caught up in themselves that they couldn't think what their dumb decision would do to the rest of the country!

I refuse to be bipartisan when it comes to human rights

I'm fine with that. Us liberals just have to hold out long enough for the demographics to finally line up

in the demo at least it was pretty neat. I'm sure the full version will expand on it

Is that the Cloak and Dagger show they keep talking about but never do anything with?

You want Stewart to get another iconic role? He's already Professor X and Captain Picard!