
Yeah and I agree with them on that. While I love the drawn out tension on the page you need some sort of visuals for the screen and that will undoubtedly speed the scene up a little.

I count one!

It's not called the Harry Potter network for nothing

Thanks. I'll check it out

They can be two things

"Old lace"

And how much you've paid said clown

Before I watch is this an actually good video or a bunch of conspiracy garbage?

He's with Art Garfunkel now

Damn straight

Ooh what were you doing?

Can't tell if racist pepes or regular pepes


That's what Google says at least

Wouldn't the grade of B tell you enough about how the movie is shot?

Well if I don't aggrandise myself who will?

He is really breaking out of his wheelhouse

They do taste like crab plus there is the fact that you've just eaten a scorpion which never fails to make me feel at least a little badass

Hey if Captain America comes up to you and says he needs to eat your baby are you really going to tell him no?

Fried Crickets are the bomb