
That is a fair point

I mean a white lady performing a Black Power anthem is a little iffy

He should burn in hell for Dracula Dead And Loving It though.

Why if the candidates are well qualified for the job I see no problems. We've had two Adams as president and two Roosevelts and they were all fine presidents

Uneasy upvote

That second one is my favorite but they are all pretty great

That second Seven Samurai poster is giving me some Guernica vibes and I'm loving it.

That is honestly pretty great

I need a full version! I need it!

Easy fix just plant the content of shows and movies into our brains as very vivid and hard to forget memories. Then we will have no need to look at anything other than our phones.


I don't know. You could definitely capture the paranoia of the story but any special effects sequences would be harder

I enjoyed it too. The story is clearly better in the original but Jackson's version looks better.

The 1978 remake of Invasion of The Body Snatchers.

I was hoping it wouldn't suck

Since everyone else has done it you cannot use it as an excuse to vote against her

Just about every person working in the House and Senate at the time voted for the war, and a lot of the populace at the time supported it to. Sure in hindsight it was a bad idea but at the time most everyone thought it was a good idea

Thank you! I've been saying this to as many people as possible. Hillary is a great choice for President and the biggest reasons people believe she is bad are due to the hate train that has been running for so long

Any qualms about voting Clinton are the results of a decades long smear campaign by the right. So those people should just do some research and get over their hangups