
Literal's definition was added to include usage for things that aren't literally literal

Oh good I thought I was the only one

I've done it before and it actually works

But honestly though, how do you heat your food?

While I do admit Ellison is a genius if I was making tv programs back in the day I wouldn't want him anywhere near my show for fear of him being a huge ass to everyone on set then proceeding to bitch about the show to the papers.

Or the new Harambe

But My interest goes up if it is story corps

But this song is straight up garbage though and deserves to get hated on

That wasn't this website was it?

I'll get you for reminding me of John Carter Spider-Man!

As long as that ocean is in Brazil.

How about the victory averse

You act like that's a bad thing

This is a Kevin Hart special not art of the highest caliber.

That's honestly really sad

If they were going to act like that why did they even bother going to that movie?

I saw the footage once as part of a different video several years ago and I still remember it to this day.

I'm surprised that wasn't mentioned at all

Sorry Kyle but I'm pretty certain everyone here is in agreement that farts and little dogs and talking like a surfer to old ladies are some of the funniest things around, so we won't be giving you too much hell.

I wonder if one will end up suing another about its title