
He wouldn't be Donald Duck if he didn't do those things

He didn't serve his country for years in the Navy just to come home and have to wear pants!

Yes but who builds the robots

How about we don't lower STEMs funding and just raise Civics funding to the same level?

Does his special move let him Wang Chung?

I have little to no recollection of 9-11

hmm so I am in the weird middle of a lot of different experts take on Generational shifts

What year does Homelander start?

I was born in November of 95 so I'm either a late millennial or very early Gen Z

I cannot mind that Mencia impersonation

It is a fact of life that some guy you liked in High school turns out to be a crazy republican

My uncle is big on Trump and it is annoying to say the least

I do not regret unfriending most of my conservative friends and relations

Just ban all of them and keep banning whenever they crop up under different identities.

Sure why not. If it cuts down on the shit in an effective manner then go for it

Are you purposefully ignoring the vast majority of non Ghostbusters related content on this site? Or do you legitimately believe this to be a Ghostbusters exclusive web site?

You can't be serious.

I will never have a Twitter account until they start moderating their website better

I think I prefer the cover Zappa did of Purple Haze then The Cure's version. Zappa's delivery of the lyrics was hilarious

Or you're like me and context makes it funnier