
FWIW I constantly rewatch the Iron Man movies, the Avengers, Guardians of The Galaxy and Captain America Winter Soldier. I only recently saw Ant Man for the first time but I'll probably watch it again.

Of course the game could always design an easy way of organizing all your junk

You mean the ultimate hipster?

Yeah but it is still another way of getting somewhere quicker

You could just have the run button never run out of energy

I'm a gamer who will take anything I can so long as it is not nailed down, so I love it when games have a lot of items that I can take with me.

The inventory limit is super annoying in the Borderlands games. The games actively encourage you to loot and most of the enemies drop some thing that at the very least can earn you some money. But then the game gives you an arbitrary limit on what you can carry

The game lets you skip the action sequences if you fail enough times

I'll take two

Because it clearly was

yes please

Street Sharks > Ninja Turtles

So not the eighth day Glorpo then?

ooh lol my bad

I only meant it as the awful comedies are not as likely to get airtime in the states. Not that all English comedies that don't cross the pond are bad

Exactly. There is no way Britain is going to try and sell a comedy series that bombed spectacularly over there to American audiences

The A.V Club

Two Three Eyed Smileys enter one Three Eyed Smiley leaves

Still funny though

Hey quoting the Simpsons is that other accounts job