
You misspelled Hollywoo there friend

How dare movies get made in the completely normal way!

A wild candy cane appears

No the old fashioned way is to push them into my salt mine

I can't stop laughing whenever Bitch Pudding is in a sketch

Questioning the advice makes your teeth go grey

Studying the material for hidden meanings make your teeth go grey

actually he's innocent

The Russos need to come out and play with their version. Tony Scott on the other hand needs to stay on his turf

So any Lord Of The Rings movie for you is a dud after Fellowship?

Mater fully loaded

Fair enough

If everyone blocks the trolls isn't that the same thing?

I stop watching News Radio a few episodes after Phil Hartman's death. The show just never felt the same after his character died

Skill Crane is still one of the best episodes of anything ever.

Once they cross the border is when I usually turn the film off

I agree with FMJ. You have one of the best war movies ever with an only ok movie tacked onto the end

So most of Shyamalan's movies?

Counterpoint: Baz Luhrmann

Everyone like yelling Rufiooooooooooo!