
Catch me If you can was fantastic and I hope Hanks and Dicaprio act together again sometime

Well Galavant was the spelling used by ABC for the show so maybe not?

I wonder how much of A.I's faults were from Kubrick's concept or from Spielberg's direction of the concept

But kids deserve entertainment at the same quality level of adults. I've never understood giving something a pass just because it is for kids.

I thought Bridge of Spies was awesome

How exactly is she a villain? She is more like the Westerosi version of the Punisher

But it was a clever editing trick it was just a trick used to indicate that R+L=J

I'll bite what is it?

Whenever I hear two friends fighting I usually interject with that line

You've got to give him that. He did try his hardest to avoid as much harm and collateral damage as he could

I pegged Pidge as a girl when I heard her voice in the pilot

Or if the end result was remotely enjoyable

For the good of all of us except the ones who are dead.

I'm making a note here: Huge success!

That sounds like a truly one of a kind experience. Thanks for those highlights

That was a joke HaHa fat chance!

Where does one find this recording?

Who else will be the mascot of the Fallout series?

The villain of the second Marvel Spider Man movie will be that Jackass who always plays as OddJob

Both Holland and Tomei were wonderful in Civil War so at least the leads will be solid