
You act like that was a bad thing

hell strap a few archers on top of his shoulders!

I'll check the franchise out then

Is that the only thing the series has going for it?

So in a pale husk of the original sort of way?

Heavens to Betsy

Roger Moore is more synonymous as Bond then the Saint

I'm just a Po Boy nobody loves me

A Moppet?

I prefer my apples medium rare

The words Toast sandwich literally broke my brain

But is a cookie ice cream sandwich a sandwich or something different entirely?

But if I don't eat Soylent how do I get my daily allotment of people?

I left the Escapist after they canned movie bob as he was the only reason I visited the site

That's how LBJ won arguments though

I'll give you some secret service. If you know what I mean.

Isn't that ironic

You can't say the T word! It is there word.


To be fair I needed help off a ledge when I heard the sad state of that coach revival too