
When I come for the articles I come all the way!

The words Sarah Shahi will make me care about an otherwise uninteresting show

Always Progressive and Tedious for me

Just throw everything at the TV and see what sticks?

But Network TV will never have a show starring a teenager! *Monocle pops off*

The man is a comedy god there is no way he'll tarnish his perfect record by starring in a trite sitcom

So Tandy Can't wait is what you are saying

This is just the real estate version of Eddie Murphy's hit Party All The Time

I know I was

that's because the show is exclusive to gym TVs

So it is less a Hatesong and more I'll ramble for a few minutes acting like a Pretentious hipster song?

But all food is shit! At least that's what it ends up as

They need to pay the bills with something and if that thing is GJI then so be it. But yeah Hatesong is awful

Old Man Logan?

Exactly we are not even a decade into the age of Super-Hero movies

How long were Westerns hot shit in Hollywood before the genre died?

See Also: Mark Wahlberg and his entire family in that movie

Is Christmas not coming this year?

Your hatred of Darwinian theory fills you with Determination!

Honestly the original should have sounded more like these versions the lyrics work much better this way