
these are the trailers for the trailers

talking dog v imaginary friend: Dawn of Justice

It is a golden age for awesome non fiction

Does ABC want to become the first network devoted entirely to gameshows

As it has been and so shall it be

The Meth kingpin who wouldn't slow down

But snark is fun and what are you doing at The A.V Club if not snarking

Nah that city is the pitts

To be fair that Pun wouldn't have worked with an accurate title

Half the girls might actually be Marines now that the military is opening up all roles to females

Who doesn't?

Henrietta Hen maybe

Fair enough. And for the record I'm with you on Alba not being oversexed or a bimbo

Oh Heil No!

Tell that to DC and Zack Snyder

Why its not like he has anything down there to cover up

But then Marvel will have a monopoly in movies based on Marvel characters!

How is Kate Mara less hot?

Getting them off was the problem if we assume his dong is made of the same stuff the rest of him is made out of.

Fourth times the charm? Or fifth if you count the non Fox one that was never released