
He does seem really passionate about voice work

But if they let Marvel have it they're Doomed!!

unfortunately your post is doubleplusungood

Still a better movie then the one we got

Both the Thing and Toofie need to pick up their pants

huh neat

Oh Shit, Eat up

So you'd say it is unwatchable?

I'd love a show with that style of dialogue

Sad Days

I only watch Bob's Burgers and Shark Tank you are doing better then me

Is syndication still a thing anymore?

So exactly like a Dickens story?

Can I get on the rocks?

Didn't you hear he was running for president until Trump beat him a week or two ago

I think you mean Modeling kids.

will America be renamed Shondaland?

Diamanda Hagan is great but understandably an acquired taste

What!? How? I've seen it and if anything it is horrifyingly bad

What else would they dress as? Bugs and fish?