
Funny how when Portuguese were illegally fishing Somali waters leading to one of the famines and economic collapses no one gave a shit enough to send marines or contractors to stop it.

Fuck This Honda Ad<em></em>
Now playing

Look, I totally get the message Honda is trying to convey in this commercial. But it’s just not landing. Not at all.

I’m pretty sure anyone with the nickname “Jimbo” is not the target demographic for Tesla’s or electric vehicles. I picture Jimbo as more of a connoisseur of Gen 3 Camaros.

Fake news! I’ve been getting speeding tickets in manual-transmission cars for years now. YEARS.

Installing a Corvette engine did the trick for me.

Seems like it’s almost time time to stop wasting time and lives fecking around in other people’s yards, eh?

Yah, but what if they cover the drone in mirrors? What then? Disco drone?

This is worrying. Mainly because it means Russia would have to assume any sign of aggression -even non-nuclear, like for example Turkey shooting down Russian jets- meant it has to consider whether to launch its nukes immediatly or face the possibility of not being able to launch at all. Nuclear deterrant only works if


Nope they are not. They may like to think of themselves as “car people”. But “car people” they ar not. Real car people come to Jalopnik for the car stuff and only the car stuff. Anyone else just stops by jalopnik to kill a few minutes out of their day.

Nobody on Jalopnik cares to read this. If they do they are not real car people. They may claim they are but they are not.

Back in the day we just complained that FTA brought military stuff to to an automotive site. Now FTA is just a shell site for anti-trump pro-gawker pro-theslot liberal garbage. Please do is a favor and either associate FTA with the liberal parts of this site or quit posting your political crap on the jalopnik tree.

Thanks for the politics. Not.

Amen on touch screens BUT they are just an interim step.

More like Faraway Future, amiright?

Yeah, like NOBODY saw that coming? Game changer my ass, they can’t even get a name right.

I'm not sure why people keep saying this. Other than being agonizingly slow drivers I've rarely had problems with the elderly. The worst drivers I encounter on a regular basis are young. They're impulsive and too arrogant to realize how incompetent they are.