
Just for 24 hours, in honor of this post, I cordially request all the star button recommendations on Kinja be changed to that adorable vagina face. (And that's not a sentence I will write again in a hurry).

I want to give you all the vaginas, all of them.

Seeing that they are formed into groups (for the combat), kinda surprising that they haven't formed uniforms for themselves. Without forming cliques, the population hasn't segmented in the way that an American, English or Australian class might. The divisions aren't permanent but rather they see themselves as a group

The problem that holds so many of us teachers with great ideas back from truly engaging in such progressive pedagogical methodology are the incredibly outdated forms of testing. We still have to bow to a rigid endgame that can crush the spirit of many learners for whom kinesthetic activities allow concepts to truly

once a month i'd be taken out of class for a few days to do this with a few students in the county. was loads of fun. nordic myself (raised in north america). wish i'd grown up there

There actually plenty Højskoler that do a lot of its education with roleplay and LARPing, Got a friend trying to start one specialized in Larping

interesting. I had a history teacher in high school who was part of a Revolutionary War reenactment group. He often assigned us historical figures to "portray" for a particular day's class. Granted it was more like a presentation dressed as the character (or as close as we could get) as we told everyone why they

i want to go to there

And home taping is killing music.

Can we please remove FuckYourWife 's comments from this discussion? I just read the most immature thing on the internet today and it adds zero to the conversation. It's sad that it's the first comment to appear on this discussion.

LARPing is just another form of entertainment that actually includes (GASP!) ACTING and

Or maybe it does.

"As a Jew, and as someone who has been raised to always support Israel (which, according to my parents, is my spiritual home, although I have never been)"

That's some terrible swedish

as a native Swedish speaker this is impossible to listen to.