Supernats Freesties

This is typical of the ethnocentrism I expect from the Deadspin sites. How can you pick on Lithuanians for this miss when the problem was clearly the Pole?

I’m pretty sure helmet-to-helmet hits aren’t supposed to be allowed against running backs either.

Thanks for stepping away from the gridiron for a few seconds to enlighten us, oh wise football sage. You fucking clown.

If he doesn’t want to get hit in the head, maybe he shouldn’t wear a helmet. He’s just asking for it when he’s dressed like that.

Well, looks like it’s time to reset the “Days Since We Shit on the MLS” incident counter.

Somebody made a very good point during the CBA negotiations that Goodell isn’t a lawyer and has no law training. He’s just “some guy.” Which makes his quasi-judicial power over NFL players astounding.

The fans care.

Guy is charged with seven felonies and no one’s burning his jersey and posting it online. Wonder why that is?

JK it’s because no one ever owned a Bruce Miller jersey.

Do you have to stand if you’re shitting?

First off, this is a fantastic read. Any chance of landing Pereira as a regular contributor rather than just excerpting his book?

For those at work, I have the transcript:

It seems pretty basic that at this point in the league’s history they should have full time officials (like in other sports) who spend their time in between games studying film and doing whatever is necessary to improve their skills.

Someone better inform Garber that his business model reveals itself if so much as even breathes on Pulisic. I do not understand why a segment of U.S. soccer fans fail to recognize that MLS is run by non-soccer people driven by profit, not developing U.S. soccer. Many if not most MLS fans seem suspiciously jingoist if

I have a rule which is that I leave when the ‘repeats’ start. As soon as somebody tells you a story/joke/conspiracy theory for the 2nd time, forgetting that you just spent twenty minutes going through this an hour ago, I take that as a sign that they’re probably not going to notice you’re gone anyway. So you can Irish

Also, if you’re around a bunch of people who are drinking, always carry a (non-alcoholic) drink. Coke, ginger ale, water, doesn’t matter.

So let me get this straight, you’re criticizing a guy for not bothering to give a shit when he plays against poor teams while claiming the moral high ground that you used to support the team he played for before they got relegated.

What kind of übernonce switches clubs? You are not a fan.

Hi there, former NUFC fan-turned-Hammer here!

I don’t think this necessarily offers hope for humanity, but I wouldn’t say it’s just basic decency for a guy who went to the school expecting to be fawned over by excited kids to instead sit down with a lonely, awkward boy who probably didn’t even know who he was.