Super Marty-O

Kobe will always be a lying, nadty, womanizing rapist in my eyes no matter what..f worshipping the nasty male ego

You know who else liked logic? the Greeks and they were super gay.

Good point, but does he have the ass to play Nightwing? ‘Dat Ass’ is Nightwing’s greatest superpower after all.

Look, as a born-and-raised Boston sports fan, I have leaned one thing to be true over the last 15 years: winning doesn’t make it better.

Or you could, you know, choose not to immerse yourself in sports-fan idiot culture. I’m from New England, now in the Midwest, and have found it’s really not that difficult to completely avoid the minority who allow some millionaires’ laundry (which is what sports franchises are) determine their outlook. And it is a

They’re comic book fans, their ability to be embarrassed about things died long ago.

I like what they did but the logo and the font make me so angry. If you’re going to pull off something like this don’t half-ass the logo.

I would go with Red Dragons

Just so you know, WFT, this is what doing the right thing looks like.

Or we could, as a country, stop exploiting African American communities.

Maybe start providing better education to lower socio economic areas, stop passing legislation that silences voters (See: ID LAWS), and stop arresting African American’s at a disproportionate rate to whites for the same crimes?!

MLB is the best that it’s been in ages. So many compelling stories, exciting teams, and unpredictability. You’ve had small market teams winning championships (the Royals), epic curses broken (the Cubs), and two 100 win teams playing in the craziest World Series I’ve ever seen (Dodgers/Astros). The ticket prices and

Why bother?

or on the trying to be positive flip side, spending that “Carpet bombing money” on rebuilding these shit hole towns and the rest of America’s crumbling infrastructure.

I call BS. No one wants to play for the Knicks.

We here in Houston are perfectly happy with the thought of this World Championship keeping us feeling better about our situation for the next few years. I’m sorry our one bright spot this year bugs you so much.

Papa Murphy is real as well, but they do “take and bake” pizza - they put everything together for you, wrap it up in plastic, and you take it home to cook yourself. It’s pretty good, actually, I would rate it just behind Domino’s, which really did turn their shit around a few years ago.

There is a single Jet’s in Colorado, and I tried it on a whim even while having reservations about square pizza.

All of the ones listed are real. And Papa Murphy’s is hands-down the best chain, but is sadly just unknown enough to keep it from getting East Coast recognition.

As a long time reader, I’ve been waiting for this post. I didn’t know what form it was going to take, or what context it would be in, or if you would even chose to post it at all.

Makes me miss the old Warner Brothers Studio stores...