
I’m sure that he’s already seen “Independence Day”.


So can we assume that nobody is telling Drumph about Area 51 now?

Just wait, he’ll be asking if you want a Candygram next...

Yeah, your not fooling anyone with that shark-apologist propaganda, Mr. Shark

I mean they may not be boogeyman but they still have teeth that peirce our flesh. And they like the taste of blood so...

I can recognize sharks as an important apex predator that needs to be protected and still find them absolutely terrifying.

Wrap it up, everyone! Remi Paluszak says this was not in fact a dire situation. Put those women back on that boat and let’s all just move on.

It’s psychologically grueling to be stuck in a boat without clear hope of rescue, surrounded by sharks, even if you’re not under an immediate physical threat.

The latter is annoying. The former I mind less because cool visuals.

1. When Buffy had a magical sister. I could understand if Dawn disappeared at the end of the season, but f*** that, she stuck around and she, along with Spike, were the worst characters ever, on Buffy the Vampire Slayer

2. Ken Penders ruining the continuity of the Sonic the Hedgehog Comics by claiming to have created

I’ll see your Midichlorians, and raise you a “Anakin? No, there was no father.”

Pluto not being a planet anymore. Fuck that shit.

I while I do appreciate their good intentions, it’s not the 70's anymore so shouldn’t we get a name change? You know, one whose sole intent isn’t to basically say, “Hey, she’s black! Look how progressive we are!”

It can be BOTH, thank you very much. Harley definitely hates Taylor Swift, but knows the lyrics to all of her songs.

This is a fun fact about DC merchandizing that always fascinates me. In terms of who moves the most branded product for the company, Harley’s WAY up there just below Bats and Supes, but way above Wonder Woman.

My point exactly. People know the general beats of Harley’s origins in the same way they do Spider-Man’s we don’t need to be beaten over the head with it just because it’s taken Warner Bros so long to get their cinematic universe together.

To everyone saying “We need to go through this part of her life before getting to her independence” in the DC Snyderverse, I disagree.

It’s a callback..