
You won't regret it! It's a really wonderful game.

It's absolutely true that it wasn't a life wasted: I don't know if he even wasted a minute. It's something to be very grateful for: so many people (myself included) start figuring their lives out when they hit 30. He got his terminal diagnosis at 30.

Returning to some of my favourite SNES JRPGs as an adult, I'm struck by how much less trouble I have with them: since so much in these games depends on stats, it's odd that me and my girlfriend did no grinding on our recent run of FFVI and took down Atma Weapon (and many other bosses I know I fought again and again as

Right there with you! Gotta finish TMS this weekend, and Xenoblade Chronicles X this month. I'm in the same spot as you in TMS, and apparently the last time I set XCX aside I was at the final boss fight (though, I suspect, there's probably at least 100 hours of content remaining that I could play around with in

WoodSword is quite correct! I'd say as a general matter, the key to beating her is to go nuts on her (as Drinking with Skeletons says), keep circling on her (you never want to be in front of her because of her nigh-undodgeable charge move), get between the tails if you can, and keep an eye out for when she does her

Both times I beat Ebrietas the fight lasted about 35 seconds. It's amazing how the minor variations in the combat systems make the game's dynamics so much different than Dark Souls: I can't think of a single "really hard" boss in a Souls game where the best strategy is to charge in and just let loose on the boss.

Link as a bro is not a connection I would expect many people to make!

I'm taking a DS3 break until the next DLC drops, and I made a quip that's a mirror image of yours: something like "Right now, if I want to think about the inevitable dying of the flame and the coming Age of Dark, I'll just read a fucking newspaper."

This is a very cogent description of the shortcomings of the F2P model!

Generally, video games that incorporate fishing do so in a very realistic manner, by making it incredibly tedious except for the brief moments when you're fighting a fish on a line.

Here's a quick Layton chronology for you, going from the past to the present:

If you have enough time, you should give Super Mario Galaxy 2 a spin this month, too! It's an incredible game: they really took advantage of having all the crazy gravity effects and the general control scheme established and just poured their development resources into making a dizzying array of creative levels and

Lost an old friend last weekend. Service was yesterday: so packed they actually had to open up the adjustable rear walls of the church to let 100-some odd mourners watch from behind the stage. He was a real "happy wanderer" sort, and it was a beautiful reminder of how many lives he touched in his too brief time with

It was almost five years ago when I realized that the best possible application of my character building skills wasn't to powergame out a character who was as optimized as possible, but to try to craft a character where the roleplaying, statistics, and gameplay functions all complemented each other.

Looks like I mis-estimated! I'm at the Chapter 5 intermission and it seems there are four to go: a joint Tiki-Barry one, Maiko's final one, Mamori's final, and Yashiro's final! I'm assuming Chapter 6 is the final chapter, unless they really go to work on unnecessarily prolonging the story!

The only way to watch it! As one great big 5-hour extravaganza that for some reason roll credits in the middle of the story.

Do let us know how Fire Emblem Heroes turns out, whether by a proper review or just a comment next week: I'm intrigued but cautious enough to want an informed opinion before I pull the trigger!

I will almost definitely most likely for semi-sure actually finish Tokyo Mirage Sessions this weekend (if my ability to assess narrative structure is serving me well, I've got one scene of exposition, a few side-stories, and then the endgame left to go), I'll push forward in Ace Attorney: …And Justice for All, which I

I both loved Hard Target as a child and was super disturbed by the scene where the homeless guy gets hunted down by the villains, and he's begging people to help him but nobody cares because he's homeless and then they gun him down right there on a populated street. Thinking about it now, that was probably the moment

If all goes well, Trump should soon be learning about what happens when you fuck 60-some-odd million strangers in the ass.