
torque steer much?



More like Comcast uses Pluto as their primary upstream providor :P

good luck sliding the ramps in/out when the wheels of your few hundred pound quad is sitting in the channels... Hopefully they build them into the bed or have a cover of some sort if this things gonna be a reality,

Kitten Squad

So is this just talking about a semi conductor? Or the stuff we have been using in our computers for years? Perhaps instead of posting an article using lots of words and ultimatly telling us nothing you could just provide the link to the wiki page... Which I personally found much more informative and interesting.

“I don’t think the great people of America have really put their minds to this” -Commi

Ya, we have these special evergreen trees that get planted with great precision across all the province borders, they have been genetically engineered by beavers to be a very destinct shade of green over the course of many many years.

I’ve been carrying a PD35 since it was released pretty much, use some 18650’s(highest brightness only works for a short period of time with the 18650’s then drops to the second highest level) from an old laptop for it. Works great, best EDC light I’ve had so far. Little bulky sometimes but for what its capable of

I’ve been carrying a PD35 since it was released pretty much, use some 18650’s(highest brightness only works for a

What I got last night. Not sure how the resolution will turn out on here but you can see some pretty good detail if you zoom in abit.

Ooohhhh fancy, so our ~8 hour battery life will be ~10? thats pretty cool :P

TripleDent Gum, it’ll make you smile! TripleDent Gum, it lasts a while!

I am fully qualified and have spent countless hours in a simulator for those things :P

I have always been wary of 3rd party password managment systems. Which is why I chose to struggle along with firefox and using my own hosted sync service. Also built my own webbased password manager that can be securly accessed anywhere I have internet.

I think that only is a thing with Apple computers...

What I find to be the fastest method is a blowtorch, stove, cold butter, and bread. Take a glob of cold butter and stick it in the middle of the bread, then apply heat from the blowtorch on top while the bread is sitting on the stove burner. Both sides get toasted nicely and you can do 2 peices side by side. To finish

Wonder if they ever get into fights in the paint booth...

How to fix bugs in Yosemite: