
"something bitch ass move?"

Nice, well turns out I can't read... I was going off the title which said "through the earth". But this being Giz the titles are usually half wrong anyways.

Now you just need a tiny chef.

Ya, I wasn't assuming it was a constant due the the fact that the density/mass would change depending on your location, but no matter the rate of change I don't ever see someone making it back out due to a terminal velocity limit. Thats a good graph however, gives a nice visual of the possible change.

About 3/4's of an hour sounds right to me.

I think honey bees are the only type of bee that dies after stinging something. Africanized bees are a type of honey bee so I'm pretty sure they die too. They are also more aggressive in their defense measures too so pissing them off is not a great idea(unless your in the situation of the person in the article).

Bad idea...

I like how they describe "normal" as systems other then ours.... If we were a "normal" system there would be no people to create research about how normal systems are suppose to be setup :P

I'm sure the interns or whoever had a blast playing around with that many pingpong balls, both during setup and cleanup. Some people may really enjoy the random oddness of their employers. I know I sure would.

Based on the various layers of blood stains on the wood floors around the band saws that were varnished in, I would say a good number. But a bandsaw blade is nowhere as aggressive as a tablesaw and usually you make slower more controlled motions on a band saw. I doubt digit loss was a major issue with it and more

This is the first thing we learned to make in shop class. Push sticks save fingers... Much cheaper then a flesh detecting table saw(but that's pretty cool too).

Maybe Apple should start charging for upgrades so they can afford to do alittle quality control. I've been finding software made by Apple has been incredibly buggy in the last few years/releases... I don't think the recent change to "release a new version every year" is helping iron out bugs properly either.

For the last 2 years now I've been successfully running most of my own services on my own server in my own work's datacenter. That involves all my email, cloud storage/syncing via owncloud. All my browser syncing is done to my own server via firefox's old sync method and owncloud. I have designed my own web-based

Looks like Bill Nye with hair...

That was depressing... Please come back top gear. Clarkson can smack around whoever he wants.


Same thought crossed my mind. Was also thinking it might work if you put your helmet at your feet on its side facing away from your body with the grenade in front of it. This would leave enough open air to prevent the initial explosion from ripping the helmet apart while redirecting the majority of the blast and