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You feel sorry for the little robot dog don't you? Don't be, it has no feelings...

Wonder what a normal flash drive will do in our lab freezer...

the AMA guy opened my car door way faster then that....

Oh, that chrome... I really miss chrome on cars.

I'm still kinda pissed about the doughnut spares they have been putting in cars instead of full sized spares.... But on a related note, having a spare tire is extremely important. There are way too many conditions where run-flats and gooey tire inflation kits just wont help you and its always good to not have to rely

To stuff and myself, around chimneys or roof peaks, sometimes newer roofs have metal loops built-in for rope access but those roofs are usually the ones you can walk on just fine :P

I do alot of roof work, and not all roofs are really designed for people to walk on... Im a wireless tech and work alone in the field so its up to me to get up and down things safely. Again countless times I bring a rope up with me and need it to get back down without just sliding off some crazy 12' pitch roof and

Has saved me countless times...

Last line is the best thing I've read today... rofl

That's why Target is leaving Canada, high prices....

Bomberman multiplayer using the link cable!

He says it works perfectly on his "IPhone" which is probably some crappy Chinese knockoff of an actual iPhone.

I would not recommend signing up/paying for this service, I signed up for it when this article was first posted and the temp email address I used is now getting flooded with emails from various phishing and hacking site providers saying that I created accounts with them using that given email address.

Its too early for me to do any sort of math, but you basically take the distance from point A(your home) to first satellite + any other jumps between satellites + link to ground infrastructure where the satellite network ties into a tier 1 or 2 provider + distance to point B(server location on earth). Since we can

2 very thorough solutions I've found that satisfactorily wipe any recoverable shred of data from existence...

These kids could make a killing in Vegas...