
Even then it's still 20 bites of the same meal! Waiting for a food delivery service that can offer me 20 small bites of 20 different meals.

Jason Mantzoukas is going to be pissed.
Or is it pronounced "peesed"?

I've been enjoying Schitt's Creek, Veep and Difficult People. I'd say they're worth checking out!

Thanks for the screen caps for all continuity errors! Definitely worth reading each one.

Which episode was JDR on WTF? I tried to find it but no luck.

Hopefully Apple will follow suit and open an iTunes CD store.

Arrested Development, season 2: Tobias as Mrs. Featherbottom jumping off the second floor with an umbrella, actually thinking she will float down, but instead lands on the coffee table, breaks it, and falls to the floor while barely holding back the pain.

Glen (on the phone): I got something here you might be interested in. Do you have a fax machine?
Nurse Nancy: You are so sweet Glen but I'm not interested because I already have a fax machine.

They're also adorable in real life. I had them on a flight right after I binge watched Burning Love but before I knew they were married. When I saw thenm board my plane I complimented them both on their work on BL and at the end of the flight I comped their drinks for them as a way to say "thank you for all the great

I'm loving the visual gag of Dumet refilling Susie's glass of red wine to the absolute top of the glass!

He was also on 3 eps of NewsRadio. I thought the AV Club LOVED NewsRadio!!! Maybe it's just me…

"Are you suing Sol for his love?"

I was saying "boo-urn this guy…."

Nothing from her appearance as Maizy Givbons from "Desperate Housewives?" Even though she only appeared on two episodes, her character was quite memorable and funny too.

"Also it's not right to say 'to desperately beg on bended knee.'"
"I know it's a split infinitive."
"Really? I just thought it sounded pathetic."

Hey! I pointed the "97 episode" coincidence out the day Community was cancelled on NBC. You're not the only one who knows how to count episodes!

Did anyone go to the 20th Anniversary NewsRadio panel at the SF Sketchiest a couple months ago? I was DYING to attend but I couldn't get out of work >:( Curious to see if there was anything interesting, noteworthy…or delicious >:)

Desperate Housewives anyone?

"Everybody out of my house!"
"You heard her: this is a house!"

The Comeback is killing it this season on HBO! 3 of the first 4 episodes were rated as "A"s