
No. People who have friends.

How as it? It was cloudy as fuck in Charleston.


And despite having just looked up the information on Midland on the computer in front of her, she still had to leave the room to look up the address….. presumably on a rolodex on some secretary's desk for some reason.

His mother. She's became a nun after having him.

Oh, and for the love of God, couldn't someone have just fucking explained that the threat was from something global and bigger than all of the NYPD to Misty so that she didn't have to keep having the same stupid fucking conversation over and over? At least she's getting her bionic arm in whichever one she's in next.

"Am I the only the only one left who doesn't know karate?" was certainly the most self-aware line in the show. So many ninjas.

I hear roaring.

Oh I just meant that the whole thing takes place in a matter of weeks in the UK, whereas the US version is stretched out over the course of an entire summer. It's pretty much impossible to do same night results shows the Brit version does because of all the time zones which also eliminates the ability to do things


"Shut up, Mom. I'm trying to focus."

I like the British and American versions pretty equally as far as the talent goes. I do much prefer the pacing of the British one though. I understand why that wouldn't work in the US, but it still drags on so long. I was a bit surprised that Tokio Myers won this year instead of Issy Simpson or Sara Ikumu, but

Because you hang out here I'm going to assume you've seen Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films, but I'll mention it anyway just in case. I met someone recently who was also a big Cannon fan, but didn't realize that existed or that it was on Netflix. It was a good night for him.


Don't worry. Kinja will bring CancerAids for everyone!

If they can't appreciate a joyous international psychic singalong of 4 Non Blondes then they're not the kind of people you should be surrounding yourself with. Cut these toxic people out of your life. They're not really your friends. You deserve better, Castleton Snob.

I've seen that! It's awesome!

"Got a machinehead…"

Showbiz > Chuck E. Cheese

I'm in 29407 right now….one of the last places to see it 100% as it crosses out into the ocean.