
Yeah, I'm not much of a fan, but that was an enjoyable interview.

Yeah, but nothing beats a couple six shooters on the hips.


I cannot lie. I like big butts.

Johnny Hates Jazz is in deep shit now.

Right. But he was obviously referring to the subtext of "Yellow"

One of these things is not like the others

Next up: Hodor Uses PWR BTTM to Get in the Right Mindset

Astounding work as usual, Purdom. Next you'll be telling us how Richard Gere didn't actually have relations with a gerbil.

What about Bettie?

You should try a Mitsubishi instead!

Where's my Shirt Tales reboot?

That Spider-Man in the photo looks better than the costume in Homecoming.

I am a nightmare walking, psychopath talking
King of my jungle just a gangster stalking
So why don't you kill me?

Yeah, for something has several people I like involved like Mads, Ridley, Liman, and Kaufman, that story sounds pretty shitty.

Goddamn this show was pure joy. I can't wait for more. Though it will kind of suck without lafergs doing the recaps here, and kinja fucking up the comments.

I agree. Ryan Murphy's a tool.

I was happy to see Eve's Bayou just came to Prime the other day. I have it slotted in for the weekend.

With Love?

Clearly you've never actually been in a Kinja comment section before. It's assholes doing just that all the way down.