
How dare you besmirch Katie "PWR BTTM" Rife's good name. Good day to you, sir!


DUDE! CTRL-F for the win again. No one knows that movie, and that's the very first thing of when I hear his name. He, Sam Waterston, and Liv Ullman were great together. Watched it many times.

Maybe put down some plastic sheets first?

He steals the rhythm while he can.

Kite Man! Hell yeah!

That's what really happens when you're exposed to radioactive things.

60% dropoff in the second wee? It's definitely time!

Mike Damone.

Taking over wrestling recaps from lafergs.

I never stop.

I too am a Le Grand Bleu fan.

Sean Spicer prepares to transition into his new job as AV Club copy editor.

That happens pretty much ever d…. oh, you said permanent.

This is not the live action Fruit Ninja adaptation I was hoping for.

Yup. That was the end for me as well. All that buildup for…?


Seriously. Good for him. Maybe he can finally unclench his asshole. He always looked like he was 5 seconds from Budd Dwyer-ing himself right there in the WH briefings.

Maybe it's the source of all his power like Samson's hair?

It's that thyme once again.