
Like sand through an hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives…

70 years ago tomorrow for Roswell.

Yes, but I still watch pretty much anything James Spader is in soooo…..


My father used to tell me he thought that I must be the reincarnated soul of a very old white man when I was a boy. I think he just didn't realize exactly how much I loved Jackie Gleason in Smokey & the Bandit.

Are we remaking Tag: The Assassination Game now?

— OJ Simpson

You're doing it wrong! That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works!

The rest of the internet did a week or two ago.

It can be two things….

Me too! I thought E just sort of folded in on itself like a black hole after they cancelled Talk Soup


I thought that was Tobey Maguire from around Spider-Man 3.

Same. I don't go to AMC, but the small chain I use still gets that First Look segment. I see her at least once a week.

I know he sings and was with Kat Dennings for a while. And that apparently he fights with people on twitter… which I wish I didn't know, but hey, that's on me for clicking.

Basically, yeah. These days most of what's here is just reposted content anyway, so if the commentariat disappears then there's not much point. I'll give it a shot as I've got a few kinja accounts anyway, but unless there's a major overhaul I can't see how it can function with the way conversations tend to unfold

I keep meaning to check that out after seeing people mention it in these reviews. I just haven't had time for any of the podcasts I normally listen in many months now.

For small group interaction it's not so bad. Definitely not as shitty as whatever Medium uses. But for something like this it would be a nightmare. There's no live updating so you'll constantly have to refresh the page. You can't collapse threads to skip past shit you're not interested in. Notifications only show

A) I'm with you on how real the characters all felt, especially as you said in your other comment how nice it is to have Cherry and Keith be a happy couple without all the unnecessary dramatic bullshit injected like damn near every other show on tv right now.

Hey now. This isn't Gawker (yet) The movie can come out when and if it's good and ready.