
I liked, "Hey come on, good people could use those," when Welfare Queen was tossing the fake food stamps around the ring.


It's nice isn't it?

You sound just like your mother.

I need commentary, behind the scenes, bloopers… all of it for this.

Thanks, Lafergs! These were great reviews. I loved this show so much and hope it gets picked up. It made my heart happy. Even with the twists at the end I still felt like Bash when he was shouting about "Goodness prevails!" This cast was so amazing, and Flahive and Mensch did a wonderful job writing it.

I didn't see that coming at all either. That and finding out what Sam's movie was were both great reveals.

Cocaine confessionals are always a treat.

Oh, you're right. Thanks. Should wake all the way up before commenting in the morning.

That is a bold stance. I think this and the Big Little Lies casts have been the best new ensembles this year, with American Gods not far behind.

Yes! From Reggie calling it "the crack" to Tamme's overdramatic choice of crack over her husband and Jenny only saying crack in English, they were all hilarious.

The thumbs up was the best part. The contrast with how emotional what preceded it was.

"Crack should be my middle name. And also my first and my last name"

One of the many great little rapid fire exchanges this episode. Also love Sam and the doorman at the party.

How good were Brie and Gilpin in that conversation at the party? Gilpin broke my fucking heart like she swung a sledgehammer into my chest with, “Sometimes I’m so sad that you took away the option of us ever being able to have normal conversations.”

"Johnny Marr (Laurie Kynaston) doesn’t even show up until the final moments."

Omniscient my ass.

Give it a minute… jeez.


….aaaand now I want Aaron Paul for Robin.