
"Thanks for the money!"


I want to be ground up and served as a variety of hors d'oeuvres to the unsuspecting guests who attend the wake. Then have a video of me explaining that and that I was now a part of them in a more intimate fashion played at the funeral.

They do go well with his smart Lakota Pant Siouxt

I imagine he still thinks of it as some kind of badge of honor that he furiously masturbates to. His being informed probably went something like that scene in Top Gun where Ice tells Mav he doesn't like flying with him because he's dangerous, and Cruise comes back with, "THAT"S RIGHT….. Ice… Man… I am DANGEROUS."

Does she have sex with Star Lord and then rip his head off and eat it? Because that would be a cool and unpredictable direction for Marvel to go in.


You can use your illusion -
Let it take you where it may
We live and learn
And then sometimes it's best to walk away
Me I'm just here hangin' on
It's my only place to stay at least
For now anyway
I've worked too hard for my illusions
Just to throw them all away

Too young to care about boobs??? I don't even know that means. I spent most of second grade asking Mrs. Covington for help that I clearly didn't need just so she'd lean over my desk in one of the v-neck tops that I'm honestly surprised a very conservative Southern Baptist private school had no problems with her

—Larry Flynt

And that show on Showtime with Natash Leggero.

You're right! And I just looked it up. It's airing on Hallmark on Monday afternoon. DVR is set. Thank you!

Great minds…. obvious jokes… six of one…. half dozen of the other….another day on The AV Club…. yadda yadda yaddda…

"Finally! It's Dunkleman's time to shine"
— Brian Dunkleman

Dammit, I was way overthinking that one trying to make it work.

Mo' Money, Moa Problems

Not gonna lie. I'd watch the hell out of that… especially if Curtis Armstrong (and what does he ever turn down) and Alyce Beasley were along for the ride.

To be fair, he did say he was a Wilco fan so he's probably trying to do exactly that.

That made me laugh more than anything else on the site today.

That is true.