
This has happened to several shows I liked in recent history once the ratings started rolling in.

That's fine… just as long as you continue to do so from more than 300 yards away.

I actually liked it, but that is definitely an accurate summary.

"piping Eagles’ songs into the lobby"

I agree, but it is in fact not that.

Wrong as usual, Internet!

Wallets weren't even grievously injured. This is the same group of asshats who will gleefully pay a few grand for $100 worth of booze at some shitty club offering bottle service where they now have this traumatizing ordeal to share with each other as proof of how hardcore they really are.

"We'll do it live!!!"

I just found Stacy Keach's second Mike Hammer show on Prime. Not relevant but I thought I'd share because I was pleased. Now I need to track down the original 80's show from before the British coke bust.

I loved the cut from the beheading to Penguin wincing and looking away as they snapped his photo. Also liked the camera pan to the blood on the greenhouse glass as he was murdering whatshisface.

He's no Richard Cheese.


This sounds completely ludicrous and totally ridiculous and I absolutely cannot wait to see it!

Clearly he never saw Custer's Last Stand or Major League


Maaaayyybeee. I may have done the same thing even as a kid with Old Yeller and Watership Down. Oldboy and Million Dollar Baby are good for that as well. The emotional aspect of movies has always been my favorite part. And it doesn't have to be sad. I absolutely loved seeing a theater full of dudes expecting

Weird. This story popped up just as her name appeared in the credits for some movie I've never heard of but just found on Amazon Prime.

The first 3/4ths of The Shallows was good. Then it turned into something that made even Jaws 4 look less ridiculous somehow.

I've seen it a lot. I love it, but I also really love showing it to people for the first time and watching the look on their faces when they get to the end.

Everyone just finished watching Dancer in the Dark and has now lost both the power of speech and the will to live.