
Maybe not at first, but don't worry… the Internet will absolutely tell you how its feelings were hurt soon enough and that it's the worst thing ever that the rest of the world is not going out of its way to prevent that from ever happening again.

The first bit wasn't particularly strong…pretty much the boilerplate stuff that anyone can write and that you've already heard from every late night host doing same exact jokes every night. But when he switched gears and went after the people in the room I thought it got a lot better.

Could you Rastify it by 10% or so?

Hopefully everyone will remember to add that hashtag to all their tweets and posts supporting her!

I absolutely love that movie and rewatch it yearly. I know it gets overlooked in Eastwood's catalog for movies like Unforgiven, Mystic River, and Million Dollar Baby, but it belongs right up there with them

Make the Academy Great Again!

Cable news?

If he actually managed to live all the way through to election day? Sure. But he would not. Because the world is a cold, cruel place where such things are not permitted.

Netflix is having a massive month in May as far as their major releases go, and OITNB is scheduled to release just a week after the House of Cards date. In this case it wouldn't be that much of a blow if at all. There's just so much coming out in the 5-6 weeks that shifting one date or even swapping it with

That would make me exponentially less interested.

I thought that's what the kind of places that offer bottle service were for.

Well now I'm working on my Topanga and Angela fan-fiction again.


I enjoyed Don Juan DeMarco. It was a nice to see Brando and Faye Dunaway being lighthearted.

I've seen evidence to contrary on Pornhub.

Strangely though, she'll be playing Rudy.

Liar! Not even Mac DeMarco's mother has heard of him before these two Newswires.

Is that near Shermer?

I remember feeling bad for her when Becky the First returned. But I've been watching a lot of Scrubs this week since it's disappearing from Netflix in a few days, and I think it worked out for the best.

I figured, but in that case I'd go with Sarah Paulson. Her impressions are top shelf. Have you seen her Holly Hunter? I bet she does a great Cosby.