
*Conti's Rocky theme starts playing*

You're doing the Lord's work, Sara… or at least my work that I was too lazy to look up.

If Eddie Murphy's not busy and looking to make a comeback on the small screen.

With Zoe Kravitz playing her mom? I'd watch that.

No need to thank me… just doin' mah job.

Wait til you get a load of The Cosby Show revivial.

Dan steps out of the shower……

I'm okay with this…. especially if they get Norm MacDonald to write it again.

This is a summary of your forthcoming slash fiction, isn't it?

I did the same not long ago and was surprised it held up as well as it did. There's an emotional sweet spot that he hits every once in a while like he did in this, Watchers, and Odd Thomas that elevates his stories. I read Watchers first and then this. It was something of a comedown to realize several books later

Olyphant needs to be busy filming more zombie hijinks with Drew Barrymore before taking on other projects right now.

I'd rather have Zmuda doing him than this. Hell, I'd rather have Giamatti doing Zmuda doing Clifton than this.

The long term being from mid-June to mid-July.

How bout Alka Seltzer instead?

It's a shame to see how Cheech's career has declined so much he has to take jobs appearing in De Niro movies now.

I thought that's what Twitter was for.

"Yellow Ledbetter"

Now I need Stan Lee with razor wings.

Nope. Still doesn't make up for all the obnoxious twee crap featuring bearded hipsters trying hard to not look like they're trying to be cool that they've been cranking out for years. Plus, their beer is shitty.

"It's cool, bro. Carb loading."