
Hopefully they can Rastify Beth by 10% or so.


Yeah, the Netflix move really did end up being beneficial, but I was pissed at the time. Still sad that the next season is the last though.


Especially if it involves Rahne in wolf form.

In equally exciting news: I went to the store the other day to get some cereal. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to the Newswire.


I can still smell Madonna's Like a Prayer album that had the initial batch all scented.

That's a totally outrageous paradigm!


Nope. Tootsie.

At least Hannah weathered the storm….. mostly.

I want a Crystal Pepsi.

Next up on Newswire: EMF explains why they find you so Unbelievable. Ooooohhhh!

I am the night!

That's what happens when you "allegedly" do that much cocaine with James Woods.

I knew you were waiting to make this comment.

I look forward to Elmer's hallucination sequence where he realizes hie and Bugs could have been friends all along.

I had the one that came in the book. I'm guessing it's the same one.

Four bananas make a split, and so do many more!