
Richard Pryor's Pryor Convictions: And Other Life Sentences
Marlon Brando's Songs My Mother Taught Me
Candice Bergen's Knock Wood and A Fine Romance
Doug Stanhope's Digging Up Mother: A Love Story especially on Audible
Norm Macdonad's Based on a True Story: A Memoir again on Audible
Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run again on

Fuckin' a, man. Fuckin' a.

With the American Crime/The Leftovers nexus we're getting doube the Regina King and Janel Maloney too! I think there's a bit of crossover with these three shows and Twin Peaks as well. What a time to be alive!!!

Layne Staley being dead for two weeks in front of his tv before being found was always very sad for me.

Teacher's pet.

I have both but definitely use Prime far more than Netflix. Every once in a while I'll turn Hulu on for month just to stream something like Chance or probably Handmaiden's Tale once it's done. But there's not enough there to keep a constant subscription, and the weekly instead of all-at-once releases of the their

There's quite a few Richard Gere roles I like, but his performance in Mr Jones is easily my favorite.

There was a Pizza Inn almost right next to the Pizza Hut on Rivers Ave right near where Sam's Wholesale went in…… near the corner of Aviation and that shopping center. One of my most vivid memories as a kid was going to see Empire Strikes Back at the theater that used to be right there and then going for pizza right

Seriously. If you have to put a fucking towel down on the seat because even just a 5 minute drive home is enough for the the grease to soak through the box then there's something wrong. This is the precise reason I can't eat Pizza Hut. It just tastes like sticking a straw in a deep fryer that may have previously

But why? There was a perfectly good Pizza Inn just up the road.

It was Big Night and the first season of Murder One for me.

The second season comes to Amazon Prime this weekend. I am very much looking forward to it.

IDW has a new comic book running for it.

Wags continues to be my favorite part of the show. It's such a fun over-the-top performance.

Thought it was a mistake to keep Quinn alive this year but ended up loving his arc the most this season. It was a lot of fun to watch Rupert Friend work, but I am glad they did actually kill him this time. Let that poor tortured bastard rest.

Booker > 21 Jump Street. Yeah, that's right. I said it.

I don't think you understand. It's two WHOLE episodes.

Suicide by way of a shootout with meth-dealing white supremicists of course.

You can find it online from places like ebay for like $1. It's not valuable. I'm a HUGE Phantom Stranger fan as well, and that issue had a lot to do with me becoming one. I think I've got almost every appearance up until a few years ago. I always preferred that side of DC (him, Spectre, Demon, Swamp Thing) to the

That's the one. Or one of the ones. There were four different possible origins in the actual issue. I'm guessing the trade doesn't include the other three that he didn't write?