
I still wouldn't like him and think that their chemistry is just awkward at best, but it'd be infinitely easier to take if the writing were more consistent between her professional and personal storylines. The "I have walls up but this overconfident fratboy douche with a heart of gold is gonna break through and show

But watching them both take the bait is the best part.

This episode was a much needed return to form with much tighter writing. The Ponzi scheme storyline still sucks, but at least something happened moving things forward a bit. I'll be happy when Maia gets to do something not related to that story or requiring her to look nervous and angsty whilst staring off into the

Secret Origins #10 is by far my favorite issue out of that entire series. I still have my copy in storage 30 years later.

You're right. She's in the background so much I don't always notice her unless I'm looking for her.

"I uh.. don't know. There's no protocol for whatever this is" was easily the line of the night for me.

Tonight…. on a very special episode of The Waltons…..

That's cold, Jay!

I keep seeing Baranski in interviews where she talks about how it's her show the way the the last was Juliana's, but then when you watch it's almost as if she's a peripheral character.

Don't agree about the Rose Leslie performance at all. It isn't bad, but it's basically like watching her do an impression of Claire Danes in Homeland where she just constantly stares at something off camera while looking like she's about to cry. But I also don't think that's completely her fault either. Her story

That's a lot of screen name/comment synergy right there.

Jesus. That sounds like it's own special kind of retail hell. Like enough to make you yearn for the 10-12 weeks of Christmas carols in stores every year as the preferable alternative.

I really wanna believe that he was called Rusty Nails because those are what he liked to drink….. and had to drink to make it through the show.

True story: Quite a few years back I was living in Hawaii and dating this woman who'd moved there from Chicago. I'm making breakfast one morning when she mentions something about home which triggers this Pavlovian response in me where I just kind of sing the jingle half under my breath as I'm scrambling eggs. I

Glaring omission. Also, I used to practice the hell out of that game when I was little on the highly unlikely possibility that my family would be 900 miles away from Charleston AND want to take me to the Bozo show AND that I'd get picked.

Finally, a candidate with a platform I can get behind.

But I'm here to tell you there's something else….. the afterlife.

10 hours of Shoah still moves faster than 10 hours of Lord of the Rings.

I'm sorry, man. That really wasn't my intention with that at all!

This album means more to me than any other. My girlfriend knew how much I loved Prince and ditched school to buy it the day it came out to surprise me with when I got out and before I came to pick her up to go grab a copy myself.