
I am forcing…. FORCING… myself to not burn through these too quick. I thought the first season was a little rocky, but the second season was near perfect for me. So it's good to hear that this one may end up being even better. You are spot on about the chemistry with the characters and the balance in the

Which one?

Much like commenting on The AV Club, this news sucks. At least it ended at a point where it tells a complete story arc.

There really needs to be more hoops to jump through to get to the comment sections. Maybe require a CAPTCHA for each comment to post also?

Nice job again, Alex. I can't wait for the new season of Grace and Frankie to get here Friday. And as amazing as that entire cast is, June's Brianna is the character I love most.

Didn't say either one of those things…. reading is hard. Try harder.

Born, not raised. He's as lily white as a kid from Jackson, MS as his writing reveals and not near as eloquent as his father. He routinely spouts crap like a spoiled child who's never faced any real adversity in life and who uses the skin color of people who look like me to sound like he's more than the

King Kong Lives had naked Linda Hamilton if you paused the vhs tape at just the right moment which made it a success in my book. But still…. damn you, shaky vhs pause when I was is a kid!!

I don't care how bad Adam Sandler films may or may not be…. they're still better than the AV Club comment system.

It's Ignatiy. In other words it's the worthless musings of a 20something midwestern American white boy who's desperately trying to sound more relevant and brighter than he is… like he is in every single piece he writes. Ebert would be absolutely disgusted by what this kid he once promoted has turned into.

His 1987 episode is my all-time favorite episode of SNL.

YES. Was thinking about this just the other day during the comment system fiasco on the newswires. Interesting things like this have become rare around here in the age of Trump articles, reposted Gawker Media items, and Great Job, Intertnets (which almost never are actually great or even all that interesting)

Gotta put something up to fill the space between rapid fire Great Job, Internets

Not as bad as the new commenting system, but yeah…..

Is that before or after it's Time to Get the Led Out?

Mine suggests listening to Larry's other brother Darryl, but he never says anything.


Hey, who even needs article titles or even articles when you can implement a system that registers accidental clicks from the shitty scrolling interface?

I love everything about this show…. even Marissa whom I really disliked on the first show… except Bartha's Colin. I don't at all see how you can call the combo of him and Lucca hot. At best it looks like two actors with zero chemistry between them. Mostly he just creeps me out more anyone else including Perry's

This dude's creepier than noted Bieber impersonator and pedophile Danny DeVito. But still better than the new commenting system here.