
That's unpossible.

Same. I like him, but found that season abysmal.

OCTOBER??? This is almost as disappointing as the new commenting system. But unlike the AV Club at least Mr Robot will end up better for it in the long run.

Was it a super secret script about Spot .im's revenge against the commentariat?

Being furious from what I've seen.

It's certainly how I've been doing it. Saves time by not having to read all those pesky articles to get to the good stuff.

To be fair, that was "A long time ago…"

If only there were some way to confirm this. I love that she even took the time emphasize conclusion in parenthesis instead of just incorporating the alternative fact into the flow of the sentence.

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

What does that make Brie Larson not clapping count as?

Old enough to party.

I'm glad that wasn't just me.

It might, but I'll still be there.

True, but J.A. Bayona directing the sequel means my ass is in a seat no matter what.


"Everything's under control. Situation normal. Everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"


Finally. Something I can use to pass out candy and give rides to the neighborhood kids.

You leave Oprah alone!!!