
See also Keegan Michael Key and Christa Flanagan in probably my favorite Mad TV sketch.

I love it. It's fun. Reminds me of sitting through shit like Dallas, Dynasty, Falcon Crest, and Knot's Landing with my mom way back when.

Me too. But, <sniffs> I'll just have to try, oh lord, I'll try to Caaaarrrrrie on.

Purdom doesn't need any of your stinkin' "facts," man.

The decline from season 1 to this is so disappointing. It's just pure, distilled CW-ness now with a thin veneer of superhero stretched over it. A show full of adults who almost all behave like they're in a teenage melodrama. It's about as bad now as it was when I quit Arrow. I'm sure the writers will try to fix it

But Boomerang is region blocked where I live, and all I have is this Frisbee™

Of course Mama's gonna help decorate the hall.

I think Eva Green is magnificent, and I don't care who knows it!

Will he be cremated, embalmed and buried, or scattered, covered, smothered, diced, topped, and chunked?

That kid was so damn talented. I loved him in pretty much everything I saw him in. He definitely brought Odd Thomas to life for me.


1. Of course it's subjective, but if you're going to blatantly steal like he did for that show, then you should probably at least make an attempt at making it better than what you're stealing from. He did not.
2. Maybe you're just really young, but that was hardly revolutionary and certainly wasn't new in the late


Nah. That show sucked, and that's his go-to move when he doesn't know how to tell anymore story because he's exhausted the same couple of ones he recycles over and over. He can just do that, and stand back to watch the effect like a kid jumping in a puddle to splash everyone. His fans will eat it up and go on about

Pop culture website. Fun. Why are you here?

Not to the degree they do. I grew up brown in the deep south. I would happily go through all the shit I did again….. all the crap I put up with in graduate school and then med school because surely I must've been there as some the result of some affirmative action policy…. even all I do now with people who fancy

Which was actually funny because it was the one damn time he tried to write something remotely adult where the characters had individual motivations and spoke in different voices from one another. And after all the truly creepy shit he's written belying his issues with women, his shitty fans go batshit over something

No. No it didn't. Nice straw man. I never claimed anything came from fully-formed from anyone. One of the most annoying trends recently is people who cry about a lack of originality in Hollywood movies as if every story isn't based on something else.

Her drugs arc was the only vaguely interesting about her and even that was a cliche. Fuck Joss Whedon and his shitty hacky writing wishing he was Shane Black and his even shittier fans.

Buffy was a show about shitty white people aimed at even shittier white people.