
Whedon fans make hardcore Trump supporters seem rational and normal.

Whedon is shitty ripoff artist with a particuarly creepy fetish that has somehow gained him a reputation as the complete opposite of what he is. It's more than a little disgusting.

Well, the episode left a lot to be desired… MORE POLLY!!!… but the after show had the winners of the cosplay contest who are just precious and I found them delightful. My cynical nature could not overcome their affection and story.

Dumpsters are the safe "bases" of our childhoods.

The story sucked, but the soundtrack to this episode was excellent and reminded me of Explosions in the Sky meet Cliff Marinez. There were some really interesting shots too. The rest of it as far as the writing and acting was rough to say the least.

Yeah, that actually wasn't fair for me to say and was editing when you responded. I'm not sure it's Bartha's fault, but the character's just been done so often there's nothing interesting about it. And for exactly the reason you state… it takes away from all the far more interesting characters like Diane having

I'm sure I'm in the minority, but Justin Bartha's character just fucking sucks. Everything else about the series is fantastic. They've even made Marissa, who was the character I liked least in the old series, less of a know-it-all teenager and more of an three dimensional adult. But as an actor he's not convincing,

With the exception of Melissa Villaseñor's impressions and a chunk of Update this has been pretty rough. I do want to see her do her Kate McKinnon with Kate McKinnon though.

The apple juice one works best….. so I hear…. allegedly.

It's revealed next season that she was in the X-Men so continuity's actually pretty fluid.

She really does. They aged her down about 10 and Machado down 6 according to one of the cast interviews I saw back when it came out.

Loved it. Takes an episode or two to find its footing, but it endears itself to you pretty quickly.

Soon. There's no way that's not getting picked up for another season or two.

Good. This was fantastic and the cast was excellent. Shouldn't have taken this long as Rita Moreno is not getting any younger.

Wait… Donald Trump is racist? This is a shocking development.

That was martinis not meds. Plus a general disgust with the current incarnation of left-wing America these days. But I can't complain too much since that's where I'm making the extra money from.

Nope. What it suggests is exactly what it says. That his "jokes' since the election have been shit. Especially when you compare them to Meyers or even to what he used to on his old show. They're dumb, angry, amateurish (the comments here are more intelligent and better constructed), and mostly just a sad, never

Not remotely. But I don't have to guess to know that this isn't the first time for you being wrong whilst thinking you're brighter than the smug, adolescent dipshit you really are.

I did Imax just because I love the sound system and it was nice to not be forced to sit through unnecessary 3D. Also, the early matinee was only $6. But visually, no, it doesn't need the screen to be that big. It's not remotely an effects driven movie. All character.

Finished a little while ago. Not an art movie at all. But it is far more character driven then your usual comic book movie. And it's a proper Wolverine story. Think Cormac McCarthy. It's violent and dark. It does have some humor, but it's not that shitty Whedon one-liner crap that sounds like it was written by